Who Am I:


Grappler and strength coach.
Since 2013 I have been relentlessly pursuing these crafts at full speed. USA Judo Black belt under Ari Miller from usa stars east judo in virginia beach & eugene kim from kims martials arts & fitness, Pittsburgh PA.

In January of 2020 I earned my Starting Strength Coach credential, permitting me to say with more authority that you should be doing your squats and deadlifts. This allowed me to scale up the operation significantly and was widely considered to be an excellent career decision. I would strongly recommend it. 

What I Do:

I have maintained a roster of 38-44 lifters and athletes through my remote coaching service since 2019.

On average, they are training 3-5 times a week. Some workouts as short as 9 sets, on the high end 16. I watch at least the first and last set of each of their lifts, often times every set. A low end estimate has me watching 1900 sets per year, a high end estimate towards 2800. This is just from my remote roster.

In person I am working with local lifters daily, in addition to coaching judo and grappling 5-8 times per week. 

I run training camps for my lifters and grapplers where I will go to their gyms, lift and practice with them for 3-4 days, generally in preparation for their competitions. AM/PM practices, lift in the afternoon.

Who do i work with:

People who hire me trend into a few categories.

1. generally busy people who want to entirely outsource their thinking and want the best service money can buy. They want to open their phone, see exactly what they need to do in order to get the best return on their time and execute accordingly.

2. programming/Starting Strength enthusiast who realizes they’re wading into murky waters with programming and want to smooth everything out. They enjoy nerding out on programming and want outside counsel to help them learn how to approach complex systems like programming.

3. the frustratedly stuck intermediate who has been banging their head against the wall for quite some time and seek professional help to see more progress. 

Around 60% of my roster are grapplers or rock climbers, with the remaining 40% being general strength and bodybuilding enjoyers.

why you should hire me:

Of the above 3 categories, you may be distinctly one or some combination them all. In any case, I will likely be able to help you. If I think I cannot, I will explicitly tell you and not take your money. Anyone who claims to be able to solve all of your problems or fix an issue 100% of the time is likely lying.

I take my work very personally. This year alone, I checked in with my roughly 40 clients four times a week on a conservative estimate. This is around 160 check ins per week, or around 8000 per year. I work every day, holidays included. I sent out programming the morning of my own wedding ceremony. I attempted to take a vacation, a week long reprieve to Disneyland and made it around 3 days before replying to messages I had the earnest intention not to.

You are paying for a specialist and subject matter expert. The bonus is getting one who is deeply passionate about the material, and lives the life it demands every day. Ever rep under the bar and hour on the mat goes into making me a better athlete and coach, to provide you a better service.